Seminar On Literary Researches Held

Monday, June 23, 2014
Kabul (BNA) A seminar on “need of new methods in literary researches” was held by the Academy of sciences yesterday reports BNA adding that after reading out message of president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai chief researcher Soraya Popal shed light on the goals of this seminar.
Later on, advisor of the MoIC Jalal Noorani readout message of Minster of Information and Culture Dr. Sayed Makhdoom Raheen in which he has suggested few important literal research methods, the message reads: All we know that across the world literature in general and literal works of an author in particular are criticized and assessed with different methods and forms.
The formalists and those who attach value to content consider usage of words, structure and texture of sentences and linguistic structure of the work important.
But other researchers of literary works focus on the content and message of the works and extent of importance of the content.
Those researches who assess neither the literary work from the perspective of content nor from the perspective of its external and formal structure but from the perspective of the impact of the work on the audience.
The third group believes that sometimes the most beautiful works from the point of view of linguistic structure or a work with very valuable content is marginalized and on intermediate work creates a shock from this perspective and are capable to mobilize people and create great change in the people behavior. It becomes famous and makes the creator of the work acknowledged.