
Ministry of Tribal and Border Affairs Commits to Resolving Nomade Conflicts within Legal Framework

KABUL (BNA) Mawlavi Mohammad Ali Jan Ahmad, the Deputy Minister of Tribal and Border Affairs, expressed his commitment to addressing the challenges faced by the Joint Commission for the Resolution of Nomade and Hazara Conflicts.

The meeting took place at his office, where members of the commission presented their concerns and suggestions to the authorities.

During the gathering, a representative from the commission highlighted the crucial role and responsibilities of the committee while sharing a range of issues faced by nomadic communities and the Hazara tribes in Maidan Wardak Province.

The representative emphasized the need for comprehensive cooperation from the Ministry of Border Affairs and tribes to effectively resolve these issues.

Expressing his gratitude for the commission’s efforts in mediating conflicts between nomads and local residents, Deputy Minister Mawlavi Mohammad Ali Jan Ahmad acknowledged the significance of their work.

He assured the commission members that he would employ all available resources and efforts to tackle the identified problems within the framework of the law and established principles.


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