
ARCS Assists 800 Flood-Affected Families in Baghlan Province

KABUL(BNA): The Afghan Red Crescent Society(ARCS) has stepped in to aid 800 families in Baghlan province, who have been affected by devastating floods.

Dr. Jan Mohammad Musa Zai, the head of the Afghan Red Crescent Society in Baghlan, has announced that the organization has distributed food and non-food items to 500 families.

These aids encompass a range of essential items tailored to each family’s needs, including blankets, flour, rice, kitchen sets, cooking pots, buckets, and other necessities.

Mousa Zai further announced the provision of cash assistance to an additional 300 families, ensuring each family receives 10,000 Afghanis to help address their immediate needs.

Sayed Qasim and Besmullah, expressed gratitude from the Afghan Red Crescent Society for the assistance, and emphasized that these aids can not solve the problems forever. They urged government collaboration with aid agencies to provide housing and coordinate essential assistance for the people’s recovery.


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