
Uzbekistan Explores Iron and Silver Extraction Opportunities in Panjshir Province


BAZARAK (BNA): In a forward looking initiative, the Direcorate of Mines and Petroleum in Panjshir province, unveiled plans today, May 23rd, to kickstart extraction activities in the province’s iron and silver mines.

Mawlavi Mohammad Qasim Amiri, head of Panjshir’s Mines and Petroleum, confirmed the arrival of a joint team from Uzbekistan and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Ministry of Mines and Petroleum. The team includes specialists and engineers, aiming to collaborate for this purpose.

They conducted comprehensive surveys and carried out site visits to assess potential iron and silver mines in the Paryan district of the province.

The head of mines and petroleum in Panjshir mentioned that at the head of this technical team was Mufti Ahmad Osman, the head of international relations of the ministry.

He further remarked that the commencement of work in iron and silver mines in Panjshir will potentially provide job opportunities for two thousand local workers in the future.

It’s noteworthy that dozens of foreign investors have already shown interest in extracting various minerals in Panjshir.


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