

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Kabul (BNA) Our people start at the commence of the new year and spring with good omen and new commitments for further greenery and development of our beloved homeland, from the early history, the Afghan people have started the new year with planting saplings and changed it in to a tradition and part of our culture to create a green and free of pollution environment, which is a honor and appreciable for every Afghan.
BNA commentator writes in that regard:
Afghan people consider spring as the season of the renewal of nature and cultivation time.  There are various conceptions regarding to value of spring in the life of people.  Spring is highly introduced in Afghan culture.  These all indicate that spring is the season of construction and renewing commitments for creating a prosperous life.
Aiming to fulfill these historical and ancient commitments, Afghan people in close cooperation and guidance of state relevant organs put in practice programs prepared for planting saplings, across the country.
Every New Year, based on requirement of time and situation, proper slogans are chosen to meet the situation and to encourage the people for hard work for further prosperity of the homeland and tranquility of our war suffering people.
Programs for planting saplings in a country like Afghanistan that mostly suffers from climate changes with successive drought years that turns some parts of the country to desert and gravely effect the environment is very important.
Unfortunately, the programs of planting saplings start with colorful slogans and pleasures do not follow successfully.
Sapling and trees are planting in great numbers but as it required, there is no proper measures for maintaining of them that can be a severe blow to the economy of the country.
If we plan to plant one million saplings in a year, and count the price of each sapling 10 Afs, and cannot protect and irrigate timely, they will dry and damaged, in this way we have lost 10 million Afs.  With that amount of money we can build several school buildings or fund other public utility projects.
Therefore, the people hope, the programs for planting saplings, not be short a term process and the personnel of ministry of agriculture and irrigation, municipality and public in general should do their best to keep this fruitful process to the end which plays a significant role in reducing pollution and growth of our economy.

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