
Firm And Decisive Stance of Religious Scholars Can Solve Many Problems of The Country

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Kabul (BNA) The high peace council chief has asked the religious scholars of the country to declare the efforts for peace as Jihad of peace and strengthen the hopes for peace among our people.
BNA social affairs analyst commenting on the issue writes recently the High Peace Council held a session under the title of National Consolatory Peace Session with the participation of religious scholars from 34 provinces of the country.
The head of the council asked the scholars of the country to declare the efforts for peace as jihadi for peace. According to him, peace is a jihad and effort that can end and prevent bloodshed among muslins.
The aim of the session is collecting the views and listening to the consolations of the religious scholars and strengthening the peace process in the country.
The peace high council held and host the session in a time where armed opposition groups have started war and their adventures under the disguise of religion and continue their crimes under this holy slogan and seek a sharia law to justify their acts.
What is of more importance and emerged as a bitter fact in Afghan society is this that the war claims the lives of Afghans and damage their country. Therefore, restoration of peace and stability is a priority and urgent need of our people, using every opportunity we should provide the ground for peace and end the disastrous situation in the country.
There are many ways for reaching peace from using the influence of scholars to diplomacy, economic programs; social and regional relations are the canals and corridors   that lead to peace and stability in the country.
Among the facts mentioned above, the role of religious scholars and spirituals is of great importance, because the people who are planning for de stability and continue the ruthless war against Afghan people are carrying their heinous crimes in disguise of Islam, therefore we should deal them according to Islamic law and Islamic instructions.
War and peace in Afghanistan have complicated dimensions that can be overcome successfully using the religious scholars’ talent and capabilities.
We live in traditional community. There many sensitivities that govern and effect the life of Afghan people. The foreign intelligence services using these sensitivities keep the flames of war alight in our country and use religion as a means fight against Muslims.
The religious scholars are the heirs of prophets, the torch of society and teach the people about good and bad. They work for peace and welfare of Muslims and never can be used as a means. Therefore it would be very useful to have the advices of the heirs of prophets to rescue the country from current situation.
The decisive and constructive stance of scholars and spirituals can serve as a means for settling the problems and lead the government and people to national consensus and makes the oppositions to know about their faults.
Abdul Khalil Minawi
BNA Director General

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