
Economic Opportunities In The Region Should Not Politicized: Commentary

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Kabul (BNA) Using Chah Bahar port by Iran, Afghanistan and India is a sign of strengthening relations among the countries of the region and economic improvement of the region.
BNA political analyst commenting on the issue writes India has sent its wheat package via Chah Bahar Iranian port to Afghanistan.
The construction and expansion work of the port started last year while the leaders of the countries were present in the ceremony for the occasion. At the first step, fifteen thousand Tons of Indian assisted wheat to Afghanistan will reach the country via this port.
India intended within next six months export one hundred and Ten thousand tons of wheat via Chah Bahar port to Afghanistan.
Afghanistan and India are looking Chah Bahar port as an alternative transit route and consider it as a connection point between the countries that will decrease economic dependencies of Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, the three countries this is Afghanistan, Iran and India believe Chah Bahar port will play an important role in economic growth and regional cooperation. While there are countries and circles that use Trade and transit routes as a political means against other countries for obtaining their objectives.
While the new world order asks the countries for restoring stability and economic growth of their countries keep away trade and economic relations from political issues. Getting this aim is only possible, when the countries consciously act for economic growth and prioritize mutual interests and follow it in practice.
Some people wrongly believe that India and Afghanistan by shaping economic relation is seeking to marginalize Pakistan while the two countries are thinking about regional economic growth not isolating the third country.
However, this bitter fact once again should be repeated that Pakistan with its persistent adventurous policies has declined commercial and economic deals with Afghanistan.  Recently Pakistan has increase customs duties on Afghan fresh fruits and other commercial goods exportation.  This illegal and tyrannical move of Pakistan considers nothing but sabotaging Afghan economic and putting further pressure on the country.
In existence of such cold and strange dealing of Pakistan, that country should not complain about improvement of Afghanistan’s economic ties with other countries.
It would be better for Pakistan instead of following adventurous policies, chose the way of regional coordination and cooperation and should know the undeniable fact that Chah Bahar port and other economic opportunities can provide the ground for the countries of the region to reach each other.
Abdul Khalil Minawi 

BNA Director General        

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