
On Advent of September 27th: World Tourism Day

Sunday September 28, 2014
Kabul (BNA) 27th September coincide World Tourism Day. The day is marked in at least 150 countries of the world to enhance awareness among the vitality of tourism and use the industry as source of economic development and social interactions among various cultures and civilizations. 
The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) was established in 1925 simultaneously with the holding of world tourism association in Hague Holland. In 1975, the UNWTO held its first international session in Spain and later on in 1976, the concerned organization officially inaugurated it is headquarter in Madrid the capital of Spain. According to the statistics, today more than 150 nations and more than 300 international institutions have gotten the membership World Tourism Organization. Various countries in the world celebrate the world tourism day in different shapes including holding of seminars, conferences, shows, exhibitions and music concerts to expand awareness among the people about the importance of tourism industry.
In the modern world, tourism has received different shapes including, vocational tourism, health tourism, trade tourism, pilgrimage tourism, research tourism, cultural tourism and each sector have left positive impacts on the socioeconomic and interactions among the people. The tourism industry has also increased the economic and culture exchanges among the people. Millions of the people worldwide are associated with tourism industry and receive their incomes through this sector. The tourism fascinated countries achieve billions of dollars financial resources from tourism sector. The tourism industry has brought enormous economic and social activities among the people in various regions of the world. Spin and Saudi are among those countries which attract the largest number of tourists on the annual basis. However, Spain hasn’t a large potential to attract more international tourists, but presence of Islamic arts and architecture and the Islamic culture has helped the country to attract large number of tourists from other parts of the globe.
Likewise, Saudi Arabia is also one of the tourism fascinated countries in the world because of the presence of Islamic holy sites in Mecca and Madina. Every year, millions of Muslim from around the world participates in the Hajj congregation and the Saudi government receives $ 30 billion. Overview of Tourism Industry in Afghanistan: The first tourism facilitating institution established in Afghanistan in 1958 and Afghanistan joined the world tourism organization in 1965. In the past despite the nonexistence of proer transportation system, thousands of tourism was visiting Afghanistan and the country was receiving millions of AFG financial resources from this sector.  After 1978 political developments in the country, the tourism industry was started declining in Afghanistan and we lost major financial resources.
After the formation of interim administration, a tourism institution under the name of Garzandoi was established in 2002 and it started the tourism activities once again after decades of war and uncertainty. The Garzandoi directorate also cooperate Afghan Tour to revitalize the tourism industry in the country. Afghanistan has major reputation in international sphere in terms of its cultural heritages, culture and civilization, there are dozens of historical sites across the country such as Band-e-Amir lake in Bamian province, the ancient city of Zahak, the ancient city of Ghulghola, the Bamian Bhuddha statues, the ancient silk trade rout, Jam Minaret in Ghor, Ghazni historical minarets, Jam-e-Mosque Herat, Wakhan corridor in Badakhshan, the ancient city of Balkh and numerous other historical sites and culture monuments in Kandahar, Kapisa, Ghazni and southern provinces.
Afghanistan is a mountainous country, but with huge natural beauty and existence of sky touching mountain peaks with more than 7,000 meters height, vast deserts, plain lands, rivers, glaciers in Pamir and Salang reflect that natural beauty and diversities of seasons in this ancient and historic land and its touristic and cultural image. Afghanistan has also been interpreted as a place for diversity and variation of life. In 2001, international community once again started focusing on this sector and the first national park was established in the country in 2009 with the financial and moral cooperation of world community. Band-e-Amir National Park: Band-e-Amir is situated in Yakawlang district of central Bamian province which is 75 kilometers away from the Bamian city. Band-e-Amir lake is comprising of at least six lakes and the biggest lake is known as Band-e-Zulfiqar which covers an area of 490 acres land and is known as one of the prodigies of the world. The lake is one of the suitable and unique place for migrate birds. Band-e- is an eye attracting lake which looks crystal and refers the minds and souls.
The six water channels of Band-e-Amri lake have been divided with white stone and look like ropes connected together and all lakes flow from east to the west which are known as Band-e-Zulfiqar, Band-e-Pudina, Band-e-Panir, Band-e-Haibat, Band-e-Qambaer and Band-e-Ghulaman and the over areas of these lakes cover 490 hectors land. Band-e-Haibat lies over 90 hectors land while Band-e-Qamber has changed its shape due natural and climate changes. But there are some signs that in the past some other lakes had also been existed in the area. Tourism development sector besides expanding economic prosperities affects some other important spheres of life including settlement of the population, transportation sector, industrial parks, residential areas and agriculture field. Aside by that, terrorism has also impacts local jobs in areas which are prominent due to its historic and cultural legacy and recognition.  Among the cultural sites in Afghanistan, the central province of Bamian is one of the ancient cities in the world which keeps the largest numbers of cultural and ancient heritages. Investments in tourism industry can support Afghanistan to boost its national economy.

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