
Shamraq Ancient Site Needs Urgent Patch-up

Sunday, May 03, 2015
Kabul (BNA) The ancient site of Shamraq, which had been recovered, recently, is at the merge of collapse unless the organs concerned pay heed for the repair.
Natural incidents could add to incompetence of the related organs in the past to spare efforts for the reconstruction of the ancient sites in many parts of the country, particularly the Shamraq scene in Northern Province of Baghlan.
Abdul Qadeer Timuri, head of archeology of the ministry of information and culture said during his tour to the five provinces of the country, with his recent one accompanying the deputy cultural minister of information and culture, he saw the ancient Shamraq site at the merge of collapse.
He asked the central and the local governments to do more for soon repairing of the site, otherwise, it would collapse.
Pointing out to the UNESCO and UNAMA’s quests to repair the Jam Minaret in Ghor, he said these donor entities should similarly cooperate with the reconstruction projects of the Shamraq site.
But, chairwoman of Baghlan provincial department of information and culture, Shukria Asil assured of his dept. to repair the whole ancient areas reaching to 26 sites in the province, where she said survey was now underway.
He said the deputy minister of information and culture, Sayed Musaddiq Khalili during his tour to the province and visiting the ancient site promised to cooperate with the repairing projects of the sites, particularly soon reconstruction of two important touristic areas of Shamraq and Surkh Kotal in the province.
However the area of Shamraq located some 600 kilometers from the capital city of the province, but the people, despite unfamiliarity with, are now enthusiast of visiting the site. Said Mrs. Asil adding the appropriate locations are expected to be built for the tourist in the future to help them conveniently tour the areas. This would be good revenue for the country, she assured.
Nezamuddin Tokhi who had discovered the historical site in 2002 said, after his successful discovery of the site, Dr. Sayed Makhdoom Raheen, the then minister of information and culture visited the area from near, following which was surveyed by a delegation of archeology sent from Kabul.
He asked for soon attention of the organs concerned for repairing of the site, or would collapse soon due to natural incidents.
A university student, Mukhtar expressed hope on the security restoration through which the country with rich ancient and historical sites could be introduced to the world and help Afghanistan become self-sufficient from the incomes, it gains from the world visiting tourists.
As the new minister for the ministry of information and culture is appointed, hope among the people in the northern Baghlan province on reconstruction of the historical sites increased.
They said they were optimistic over the national unity government’s capability to reconstruct the country and repair the historical sites, through which the world tourists could peacefully visit and have the economic tattered nation, find their problem solved.   
Karima Malikzada

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