
Gardiz-Khost Road To Be Asphalted

Wednesday, July 09, 2014
Kabul (BNA) The Ministry of Public Works surrendered the construction work of 25 km Gardez-Khost road to a domestic construction company.
The authorities of the ministry and Mashreq road construction company signed the related agreement of construction of this road.
According to the authorities of this ministry, the total length of Gardez-Khost road estimated 101 km that the agreement of its three parts has been signed and the agreement of remaining part is signed recently that covers 5 km of the road.
Minister of Public Works, Eng. Najibullah Ozhan told media that the width of this road is 9 m, and its 7 m to be asphalted within 18 months.
According to him, this road is asphalted with the expenditure of $5.33 million that funded by USAID.
He asked the people’s representatives in the parliament and residents of the province to control the work process of this construction company seriously.
Ozhan said that road is part of national capital of the people of Afghanistan and much efforts should be made in protection of it. Head of the construction company, Azizullah Niazi promised to construct this road with qualified materials within 18 months.
The witnesses in economic affairs say that having road is one of the basic needs of a country and having good roads affects positively in economy of a country in transferring of consignments.
They believe that the government of Afghanistan especially the in-charges concerned of the company should make effort in construction of ring roads.
However, since 13 years, the government of Afghanistan worked on road construction, but is not so much eye-catching.
The road construction projects should not lose the time and lay emphasize that the projects should be completed on its due time.
A number of in-charges who work in road-building projects called insecurity the reason behind postponement of the road construction in the country. We have much problem in the provinces. When our construction engineers start their works on road face with security threats and the armed opponents don’t permit the work process to promote well. So this causes postponement in work process.
Eng, Akram who is working in one of road-construction projects says that the projects of road construction are facing with more challenges mainly security threats.
Warning of armed opponents, kidnapping of a number of road construction engineers caused the provincial people not to believe to road construction projects and these projects are not successful as much as it is expected.
We ask the government and responsible institutions in first step, to maintain the security of their personnel and on the other, as the residents to help security forces in maintenance of security in work places.
This is in a time that with passing of 13 years, so far, Afghanistan has no good roads and people are hoping the upcoming government to pay more attention towards construction of standard roads.

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