
August 7 the Day of Starting Attacks On Taliban: Commentary

Sunday, October 08, 2017

Kabul (BNA) August 7 is coincidence with the 16th anniversary of the commencement of international forces attacks against Taliban in Afghanistan which led to the collapse of Taliban rule, but Afghan people have not rid of the evil of that notorious group.
BNA military affairs analyst commenting on the issue writes 15 years ago on August 7 2001 international coalition forces headed by US started their attacks against so called Islamic Emirate of Taliban who had refuged Al – Qaeda leaders.
Al- Qaeda which was responsible for September 11th attacks on America; its leadership was hidden in Afghanistan.  
The attacks of coalition forces succeeded to collapse the so called Islamic Emirate and made its leaders to escape the country. Toppling Taliban rule, a new chapter started in life of Afghan people.
Afghans who supported by international community started a new life and were going toward building a democratic society in their homeland. Releasing from the rule of Taliban, in reality was freedom from Pakistani secret dominance and occupation. It was a great time for Afghan people for reconstruction of their country and warmly welcomed the event as a revolution in their lives. But the pleasure Afghan people not lasted more than a year, because once again they were seeing the emergence of Taliban. Just a few months later, Taliban were organized, trained and equipped and dispatched to Afghanistan to carry out terrorist attacks aiming to kill Afghan innocent people, rob their property and destroy their homeland loved so much.
Although the collapse of Taliban regime was serious and decisive but silence against their reemergence is questionable.
Currently, Taliban are not only a threat to security and tranquility of Afghanistan but considered as a threat that challenge the region and the entire world.
The question is this, why America and west are indifference before the rapid reorganizing and remobilizing of Taliban and why ignore the activities of some countries including Pakistan and their intelligence services in supporting, funding, training and equipping that ruthless terrorist group.
Afghan political elites believe that there are countries that use Taliban as an intelligence project for implementing their objectives in the region and beyond the region.
After reorganizing of Taliban and increasing their terrorist activities at least 70000 Afghan have been killed, economic infrastructures destroyed and the economic growth slowed down. Who is responsible for that?  While, so far has nothing done for elimination of Taliban terrorist group but still certain countries use them as a means for achieving their illegal and evil goals.
Abdul Khalil Minawi

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