
Afghan Security Forces’ Efforts Appreciable During Ashura Days

Saturday September 22, 2018

Kabul (BNA) In spite of concerns, Ashura the day of uprising and martyrdom day of Imam Hussain the grandson of great prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was held in an atmosphere of peace and security. Without doubt the efforts of security forces and the cooperation of people were obvious in that regard.
BNA social affairs analyst commenting on the issue writes holding Ashura in a peaceful and secure atmosphere once again made the authorities in debt of security forces.
Holding and co- memorizing Ashura in the country was followed with certain concerns. The concern and anxieties became more serious after terrorist groups during the last month aiming to create ethnical and religious differences among people, targeted educational institutions and cultural foundations ran by Shias. Luckily, in Afghanistan where ethnical and religious discrimination never exist the plot and conspiracies for damaging the national unity the real strength of Afghan people foiled. 
Holding Ashura in a such peace atmosphere, proved that our security forces are capable for carrying g any great task and defending our national interests and in the same time made it clear that the Afghans respect the ideas and beliefs of each other and dear their national unity.
If today a problem emerges in Afghanistan and the ground provided for ethnical and religious confrontations, all such satanic programs are designed by foreign intelligence services for damaging physical and spiritual assets of Afghanistan. But the Afghan people have a message and that is,” we are one, one nation and the followers of the same faith.  Our religious beliefs have been the pivotal of our unity and our peaceful co- existence in the long history and efforts of the enemies of the country for damaging the unity of our people will never realize.
Our people in addition standing in a single rank for neutralizing the conspiracies of the enemies and terrorists and practically helping the security forces, displayed a high Afghan culture this is they avoid wandering in the streets, they did not create problem for traffic and observed the law, and by donating blood promoted the culture of humanism. In this way expressed their support from security forces that fight against terrorists to rescue not only Afghans but the entire humanity from the evil of terrorism. In this way the Afghan people commemorated the martyrdom of Hussain who rose up for ensuring freedom and justice and said no to the tyrannies and injustice prevailed in the then society.   
Abdul Khalil Minawi

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