
Sardar Daud Khan Hospital Officials Praised

Saturday, February 07, 2014
Kabul (BNA) Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has paid a visit to Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan hospital and praised the leadership and employees for their services. In his speech, President Ghani said, “Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan hospital will be conferred service medal for services delivered by employees of the hospital during the past 100 days.”
Addressing a gathering of the personnel of the hospital, President Ghani said, “Those medical services you’ve provided for treatment of Yahyakhil terrorist incident’s victims and the services you provide every day for the health of the people of Afghanistan are honored by Afghanistan nation.” He praised commander of the hospital, Gen. Siyawash for his efforts towards bringing positive change and sound leadership for the hospital. The country’s President said the commander would be granted first level appreciation certificate for his good services.
The president also praised the hospital’s leading body for making a coordinated five-year plan, saying that it was a principal plan and clear vision and an authorized commission would be appointed to review all suggestions of the hospital’s leading panel and implement them.
The country’s president assured that he would instruct relevant officials to provide all facilities to the hospital to purchase medial stuffs and medicines according to the plan.
President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani asserted that they had asked their international partners to help related to training, providing scholarships and capacity building the hospital’s personnel.
Praising the hospital’s nurses for their services, President Ghani said, “We’re investing on you and solving your problems because no hospitals are complete without you, adding you’re saving the life of Afghans whose languages, ages and areas are not important for you – my and your motto is the same and that is all Afghans are equal.”
He said, “Let’s work for a high aim and that’s to change Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan hospital and its affiliated ANA corps hospitals as the best hospitals in the region as you have the capability to do this.”
Meanwhile, President Ghani looked after ANA’s injured personnel in the hospital’s beds and instructed officials of the hospital for better treatment of injured personnel.

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