
Mis-E-Aynak Coppermine’s Historical Relics To Be Displayed In Six Provinces, Noori

Saturday December 9, 2017

Kabul (BNA) The archeology department plans to exhibit Mis-e-Aynak Coppermine’s historical relics in many provinces of Afghanistan. Nour Agha Noori, head of archeology department told that almost 30 pictures such as coins, stupas, stone sculptures, etc. have been found in Logar during excavations.
We plan to exhibit them to those people who don’t access to Mis-e-Aynak Coppermine, he further said. “The first photo show of historical relics has already been held in Parwan province which lasted three days. Over 800 people have visited the exhibition,” he went on to say. “We have also distributed some brochures to people to further inform them on Mis-e-Aynak and other historical areas of the country,” he continued. 
“We plan to hold the exhibition in many other provinces such as Nangarhar, Paktia, Kandahar and Herat in upcoming months,” he added.
The archeology department is making effort to display Mis-e-Aynak’s historical relics in abroad, as Bakhtar Treasury has been displayed in London, US, Germany and many other countries of the world, he said. We are in contact with China and Japan to exhibit the relics in those countries too, he added. World Bank support our programs and all practical works are being done through archeology department of the ministry for information and culture, he further said.
One of our aims is to conduct excavations in Afghanistan’s historical areas, as our excavations have improved by 60 percent in Sorkh Zone of Mis-e-Aynak Coppermine, where was identified by the ministry of mines, he added. We would build a museum in Logar within the next one or two years and works are going on in this regard, he added. Within the next one or two months, the archeology department plans to hold some international workshops through which to introduce the historical sites, he said, adding domestic and foreign experts would also attend the workshop and after that they would decide on the mentioned site. This is while that for the first time, information about Mis-e-Aynak Coppermine has been released by a French archeologist in 1335 and 1336.
Karima Malikzada

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