
President Ghani Talks with King Salman by Phone

Kabul (BNA) President Ashraf Ghani in a phone call with Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz discussed Afghanistan-Saudi relations, Afghan peace process and regional issues late on Monday.

BNA quoting presidential palace reported, during the phone conversation King Salman said; Saudi’s scholars and myself strongly support securing and consolidating peace in Afghanistan. He hopes that the situation will improve and we will meet closely in the future and talk more about these issues.

Saudi King addressing to the President Ghani said, your wise role and leadership as President of Afghanistan is crucial in this opportunity to bring peace.

He added that we are committed to expanding bilateral relations and implementing the agreements reached between the two countries is crucial to deepening these relations.

Thereupon, President Ghani thanked Saudi Arabia for its assistance and cooperation in various arenas with Afghanistan, particularly in securing peace.


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