
Sixth Anniversary Of Establishment Of Kabul Shura Marked

Kabul (BNA) Kabul Star Hotel was the scene last evening of sixth anniversary of establishment of Kabul people’s Shura, election of chairman and the members of board of directors of chamber of commerce and industries. 
Addressing the participants, Dr. Sayed Makhdom Raheen, Minister of Information and Culture and Chairman of the Kabul Shura congratulated the members of the Shura and said that the time passes fast, six years back when the issues of establishment of this Shura was taken up, friends supported and the Shura of Kabul people was formed and they striving at this Shura. 
He added that democracy, civil society, women rights, freedom of speech, freedom of press and other such issues having direct connection with progress and prosperity of the national have their important role, the Kabul Shura is prideful to be serving this cause and are trying their best to preserve civilization in the country and work towards national unity. 
He added that Kabul is still suffering, still it is recalling its past miserable moments, and still it has to heal its wounds. 
He noted that the members of the Kabul Shura try their best for rehabilitation of this city. 
He stressed that women in Kabul have suffered the most. 
Addressing the audience Azerakhsh Hafezi Chairman of international relations of the Chambers of Commerce and Industries said that there is great difference between our and others culture, the base of our culture is love indeed, for our elders want to conquer the world through their love and affection. 
He added that his gathering is the sign of unity, consensus and friendship of the people of Kabul indicating that our Kabulis want to live in fraternity and unity with each other.

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