
Four Powers Experienced Their Failures in Afghanistan: Farahi

KABUL (BNA): Muhajer Farahi, the Deputy Information And Culture Minister and the deputy governor of Herat, at the International Cultural Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia said that Afghanistan has experienced the cultural invasion of four powers: Britain, the Soviet Union, America, and NATO, along with their military occupation, and that they have all failed to defeat the traditional culture of Afghanistan, which is based on Islam.

He has called for cultural cooperation and exchange among the nations of the world and rejected the domination and imposition of one culture over another.

He also expressed the Islamic Emirate’s support for the Palestinian people and their resistance against Israel’s Zionist regime.

He underlined the importance of cultures in preserving peaceful ties between countries and emphasized the importance of respecting the traditions of others.

Mr. Farahi urged other countries to avoid cultural aggression and to refrain from using force and pressure to change the customs of other countries.

The International Cultural Forum, he urged, should raise its voice and proclaim firmly its opposition to Israel’s ruthless aggression against Palestinians at its conclusion.


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