
The Religious Scholars Are The Heirs of The Prophets

Monday, July 09, 2018

Kabul (BNA) The rights and obligation of a Muslim over another Muslim has of great value that not only strengthens social relations among Muslims but also cause the blessing of Almighty God in the world and dooms day.
BNA analyst of religious affairs commenting on the issue writes there are many verses in Holy Quran and speeches quoted from the Great prophet that insist on good relations among Muslims and humanity as a whole.
Almighty God in order His creatures man and women have a happy life on earth, have obliged them for performing certain obligations and duties which strengthen social, economic and political relations among Muslims.
Studying the speeches quoted from the Great prophet one can understand that how much great Islam emphasizes on good and brotherly relations among Muslims.
In the quoted speeches, it has certified that visiting patience, participation in funeral ceremonies, expressing sympathy and condolence to the family of deceased man or woman are among the rights a Muslim has committed of doing them.
Although, there are many good and valuable matters in Islamic law, but there are certain people who ignoring those spiritually and heavenly realities stance against them, while they are obliged in observing Islamic laws and disseminating them among other Muslims.
There are despairing stories that in one of the districts of Paktia province, some clergy men are abstaining from reciting the prayer for the brave Afghan soldiers who have lost their lives for the cause of homeland and independence of the country.   Some of them have said that they could not say the prayers because the threat of Taliban.
Such dealing by a religious scholar, a Imam of a mosque and a Muslim man is in fact a deviation from Islamic principles and teachings while they enjoy a safe and secure life, receive salary from the state but fearing of Taliban who know nothing about Islam and jihad values, avoid reciting prayers for the soul of people who been martyred for the cause of Islam, national sovereignty independence and humanity in general.
The religious scholars who are the heirs of prophets are obliged for exercising many obligations and duties among them standing against oppressors and stating the facts, but regretfully, some of the religious scholars ignoring their noble obligations and duties instructed by Almighty God and the prophet follow the commands and orders of tyrant Taliban who are used as a means by foreigners.      


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