
China Helps Afghanistan to Fight Drugs

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Kabul (BNA) As a neighbor of Afghanistan, China is always worried that lest the narcotics produced in Afghanistan be imported to China.
Based on the same reason, this country has proclaimed to help Afghanistan to prevent increase in production of poppy and its cultivation and lays down necessary possibilities and equipment at the disposal of this country.
The Chinese government believes that other countries didn’t lay down much contribution at the disposal of government of this country for eradication of poppy fields in this country and Afghanistan has no necessary possibilities to fight narcotics.
Likewise, China criticizes from meager assistance of international community in counter-narcotics especially in Afghanistan and reported about its intention for cooperation with Kabul in counternarcotic.
Based on the reports released by Asia-bet site, China called increment and production of narcotics in Afghanistan as one of security serious threats for regional and world nations and lays emphasize in this connection.
In this respect, Beijing invited artists of this country especially its famous artist Jeggi Chinh who plays role in epic films to help Afghanistan prevent more addiction to narcotics and this called him as ambassador of counternarcotic among youths.
China believes that war, cultivation and production of poppy threaten since years the security and calmness in Afghanistan and more than anytime, this country is in need of cooperation in counternarcotic in Afghanistan.
Likewise, this country has reached an agreement with Russia to help Afghanistan in counternarcotic.  At the same time, a number of witnesses in political affairs say that one of the reasons behind increment and production of narcotics in Afghanistan is repeated demand from overseas for this ugly phenomenon.
If the demand from abroad is reduced for narcotics, its offering would also reduce. Because, Afghans are only the victim of this sinister phenomenon and more benefit is poured at the pockets of world mafia and traffickers of narcotics and meager benefit is earned by its Afghan cultivators. So, to fight narcotics, its cultivation and production, need is felt for world determination.
The Afghan authorities are laying emphasize that despite thousands hectares of poppy fields and hundreds drug production factories are eradicated within recent 13 years by counter narcotics missions in Afghanistan and this campaign is continuing so far.
To eradicate this phenomenon completely, the need is felt for cooperation of international community in the connection.
At the same time, the Helmand people’s deputy in parliament, Nasisma Niazi while calling non attention of government for investigation of living situation of farmers as one of the ways of control of poppy cultivation in the country, says enormous funds are spent, the cultivation and production of narcotics is increasing.
She said that unfortunately within recent 13 years, the government had provided no better ground for living situation of farmers. No welfare projects have been implemented and unemployment and poverty are from among factors for increment of cultivation and production of narcotics in Afghanistan.
This Member of Parliament added that international mafia of narcotics earns more benefit from poppy cultivation in Afghanistan and meager benefit goes to the pockets of Afghan farmers.
She called Helmand as a province that unfortunately is hunted by this ugly phenomenon and adds that lack of security and non-attention of government caused the narcotics be increased in the country.
Likewise she called alternate crop for poppy as one of factors for prevention of poppy cultivation in Afghanistan.
Ms. Niazi stated that if the ground was prepared for employment of our youth, they would never be addicted to narcotics.
On the other, having common border with neighboring countries and immigration of Afghans to these countries caused the number of addicts to narcotics be ascended.
So, the government should place providing employment for youth as one of its main working priorities. Both government and international community should be serious in eradication of narcotics in Afghanistan.
Former counternarcotic minister, Gen. Khudaidad calling alternate crop as one of positive ways for prevention from poppy cultivation in Afghanistan and adds that unfortunately, within recent 13 years the government didn’t implemented the farmers’ considerations or replaced other crop instead of narcotics.
Similarly, there was no healthy coordination between counternarcotic ministry and international community, non-coordination among governors and district administrators with security organs in the provinces caused poppy cultivation be increased in the country and at the same time, the number of addicts to narcotics is also increasing.   
In connection with roadmaps o the national unity government to implement for prevention of poppy cultivation and production of narcotics, the witnesses say that the only way that can rescue the country from this calamity is enforcement of law, having strong political determination and accepting of Islamic worthies, investigation to farmers’ problems, establishment of coordination among institutions concerned for eradication of narcotics and honest cooperation of international community are the roadmaps that with implementation of them, the government of Afghanistan can get success in this campaign.
This is in a time that within recent ten years, despite efforts made in and in abroad for eradication of narcotics in Afghanistan, so far, this country is one of great’s producers of narcotics in the world.
With presence of international forces in Afghanistan within recent 13 years, the production of narcotics has been reached into its high peak and now, the regional countries such as Russia and China should help Afghanistan government for eradication of this sinister phenomenon.
Suraya Raiszada    

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