
Country’s Acting Defense Minister Pledges Support for China’s Investments, Emphasizes Security Commitment

KABUL (BNA) In a meeting between Mawlawi Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid, the Acting Defense Minister of Afghanistan, and Zhao Xing, the Chinese Ambassador to Kabul, both sides expressed their commitment to strengthening diplomatic relations and enhancing economic cooperation.

The meeting, held today, Saturday underscored Afghanistan’s support for China’s investments and economic projects in the country, while emphasizing the paramount importance of ensuring their security.

During the productive discussions, Acting Minister Mujahid reiterated Afghanistan’s unwavering dedication to safeguarding China’s investments and economic initiatives within its borders.

The meeting also provided an occasion for both sides to address border-related issues and exchange views on the Wakhan project. While the specifics of these discussions were not disclosed, the engagement highlighted the importance of dialogue and cooperation in resolving mutual concerns and promoting regional stability.

The positive outcomes of this meeting between Afghanistan’s Acting Defense Minister and the Chinese Ambassador serve to reinforce the growing ties between the two nations. 


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