
Pakistani Suicide Attacker Surrendered Himself To Afghan National Forces

Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Kabul (BNA) A Pakistani suicide attacker avoiding carrying suicide attack surrendered himself to the Afghan security forces in Helmand province.
National security department press office said BNA, the suicide attacker named Yaser Ali resident of Peshawar of Pakistan who was forced by terrorist groups in Chaman a Pakistani town across the border to go to Lashkarga city, capital of Helmand province and to carry out suicide attack.
While arriving in the area and seeing the people who were leaving a mosque after prayer, the attacker renouncing carrying out suicide attack surrendered him to the security forces.
In primary investigation he acknowledged that he was trained in terrorist centers in Waziristan to carry out terrorist attack.
He added at the last moment his conscience order him, it is not a human act, so responding his conscience, surrendered him to police.
T. Suraya-Yarzada

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