
Media Should Protect National Interest

Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Kabul (BNA) It`s obvious to everyone that twelve years before after the collapse of Taliban regime and formation of the interim administration freedom of press and pen attained tangible growth and triumph in Afghanistan. Since that several government and private audio-visual and printed media outlets commenced their journalistic activities based on democratic values across the country.
Today numerous private TV, radio stations and print media pursue their journalistic efforts beside the national Radio TV of Afghanistan. Each TV and Radio channel holds its particular position among the people and enjoys great audience and listeners. In fact media plays significant task in conveying of precise information, promoting education, entertainment and other programs. It`s while according to field experts` media is considered as forth pillar of the government after the executive, judiciary and legislative organs.
Media retains pivotal role in exchanging of information, strengthening of communication and enhancing of relations between the nations of the world. It also assists the people of various states in introducing their rich culture, religion, inventions and lifestyle to each other in effective manner. Media besides informing people from different events occurring across the country and world maintains essential responsibility of nation`s unison, tranquility and it further paves the ground for coordination among the various tribes settled in the country and it also help the people to find solution for the problems confronted by them in various social, cultural, political and other spheres and creates an environment of trust and brotherhood. Today the Afghan nation witness foreign media propagations aimed to create state of horror and chaos among the Afghan people before their future.
To foil the nefarious schemes and plots of the enemy only media sources loyal to Afghanistan sovereignty and territorial integrity by broadcasting, publishing and reflecting the truth can save the country from foreign and domestic imposed psychological war. The successful implementation of the process would remove misconceptions regarding the future of Afghanistan after the withdrawal of foreign forces by 2014 and would further nourish the sense of enthusiasm. So media in-charge should prefer national benefit rather personal interests in their broadcasting and with full passion and sense of patriotism practice their national Islamic values.
The Afghan national security forces by thwarting the merciless and destructive plans of the country`s enemy and circles loyal to them should also perform their national obligation before their great homeland. The successful transition of security responsibility from foreign forces to the Afghan national security forces is clear instance of the issue.

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