
Arghawan Festival A Symbol of Convergence, Institutionalization of People

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Kabul (BNA) Afghanistan is a country with lovely nature and rich with different ornamental trees, mountainous plants and springs.
This beautiful nature has enhanced importance of this country. The Golghondi hill of Chahrikar city the provincial capital of ancient Parwan province is one of the wonderful places ornamented with hundreds Judas trees which blossom in spring and attract thousands countrymen to go there and watch it. Golghondi located on the west of Chaharikar city on the slopes of Dara Kalan area adjacent to Khawja Sayaran the home village of Emam Aazam Abu Hanifa. During Mir Alam Khan Golghondi took today’s shape and a national poet Bahayee Jan called this Judas flower clad hill as Golghondi (The Flower Hill). Each spring which is the time of blossoming of Judas flower, thousands countrymen, women, children, old and young specially on Fridays attend this spectacular place and hill from adjacent provinces particularly Kabul with their families and enjoy its lovely weather and atmosphere full of odor and natural perfume. Due to these peculiarities, attempts were made to celebrate Judas Tree flower as a national festival beside orange flower in Jalal Abad, Rosa flower in Mazar-i-Sharif Yellow flower in Herat, Pomegranate in Kandahar every year. Fortunately in 1392 the Judas tree flower festival was officially recognized as a national festival by the MoIC and this year, the third national Judas tree festival flower is expected to be marked. Head of Parwan department of Information and culture Abdul Ahad Hashimi said “The Judas Tree flower festival includes programs for enjoying natural beautiful scene.
During this season, since long time the people particularly the residents of Parwan gather under the shadow of Judas tree and entertain. In the past the Parwan department of information and culture had organized brief functions at local level in the name of Arghawan picnic. On sunny days, families attended there and held egg fighting, card playing, chesses playing, Karambole, music etc. Local products of Chaharikar including ice crime, Pakawra, Kebab, Soup were sold to visitors. Local handicrafts and industries including knife, copper dishes and pots, pottery and wooden products were displayed and supplied that enhanced the magnificence of accepted festival in this natural entertainment place. Talking on the motives behind celebration of Judas Tree flower festival, Hashimi said “The only and officially accepted reason behind celebration of this festival were natural beauties of Parwan Judas Trees fields and charming scene of this nice flower which were popular among different strata of people and they enjoyed it in one hand and the request of Parwan law makers and cultural professionals caused that the government attention be focused and officially recognize this festival.
Touching allocation of a budget for celebration of festival by the MoIC, Hashimi said “Unfortunately, due to economic reasons and dependence of the national budget to contribution of foreign donors, the government has failed to allocate a certain budget for this purpose. Since the beginning, literary and cultural functions were held with the participation of poets, writers and local government authorities in Golghondi.  The Parwan department of information and culture is intending to make efforts to register this festival in UNESCO global heritages. Hashimi went on to say that Arghawan festival has many aspects and dimensions which are very important and valuable including preservation of old cultural rites and traditions, social convergence, development of literal and artistic activities. At present circumstances the particular importance of this festival is evasion from the culture of violence and war, enjoying the beautiful and lovely nature and mental peace.
Talking on effect and role of Arghwan festival on improvement of national unity and culture of peace, Hashimi said “This festival especially in the last two years has attracted attention of large number of countrymen and women from across the country for visiting this lovely place and enjoying its natural beauties and its touristic attractions. This event could be a turning point in institutionalization of peace values, national convergence, ensuring of social justice and civil freedoms. Talking on the measures taken by Parwan department of information and culure for magnificent celebration of this national festival, Hashimi said “Our department has undertaken essential measure in current year for this purpose including holding of exhibitions, arranging of sport competitions of Arghawan Cup. This festival well introduce Parwan and its culture to the rest of Afghan people as one of the most secure places in the country, improvement of marketing of local products and industries and increase of income of shopkeepers, restaurants. Parwan local provincial departments have also been cooperate us for better celebration of this festival according to their resources. Karima Malikzada

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