
Foreign Circles Behind Security Incidents In Nuristan: Officials

Saturday, July 07, 2012
Nuristan (BNA) Local officials in Nuristan province have said that hundreds of Pakistani Taliban militants have been deployed in Kamdish district by ISI to destabilize Nuristan province. 
According to the sources, 300 Pakistani Taliban have been deployed over the past few days to conduct subversive operations. 
Police chief of Nuristan, Ghulam Allah Nuristani told BNA that Major Munir of Pakistani army, Mullah Yusuf of ISI and Mawlawi Doust Mohammad the shadowy governor of Taliban are leading the Taliban fighters. 
However, Nuristani said that police are ready to foil any security threats, warning the terrorists like the past would be defeated. 
Nonetheless, he admitted it is difficult to control the 250 km porous border with Pakistan and completely check the cross border terrorism. 
The governor of Kamdish district also confirmed Taliban deployment but said the security forces had evicted the militants and the locals resumed the normal life.

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