
French Ambassador Hints On Continued Support To Afghanistan

Sunday, August 07, 2016
Kabul (BNA) Minister of Foreign Affairs, Salahuddin Rabbani, met with François Richier, the Ambassador of the Republic of France here at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday, a MoFA statement said.
Pointing to French cooperation with Afghanistan, especially over the past decade and a half, the foreign minister thanked new French cooperation with the country at the Warsaw Conference, adding that “we are hopeful on France active presence in the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan.”
Afterwards, the French Ambassador François Richier gave information about future French programs for helping Afghanistan in various economic fields, agriculture, and education and emphasized that France would continue to cooperate with the Afghan government and people.
It is worth mentioning that the Friendship Treaty between Afghanistan and France that was signed in 2012 and the issue of Afghan migrants were also discussed during this meeting.

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