
MoPH Launches Anti-Measles Campaign

Sunday, July 26, 2015
Kabul (BNA) The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) launched nationwide anti-measles campaign yesterday to immunize 5.5 million children, a statement of the ministry for public health said.
During the six-day campaign 5.5 million children under five would receive the immunization vaccine in 30 out of the country’s 34 provinces.
The program has already completed in Kandahar, Helmand and Khost provinces, the statement said, adding the immunization campaign in Badghis would be administered after one month.
More 27,000 volunteers and health staffs implement the program which costs 5.4 million US dollars.
“In spite of achievements, the rate of measles-related deaths of children in Afghanistan is still high; while the disease is preventable,” deputy to MoPH, Dr. Ahmad Jan Nayeem said in his remarks after launching the immunization campaign.  
He also added that the ministry for public health would spare no efforts to immunize the children against measles virus.
Speaking on the occasion, UNICEF representative in Afghanistan, said that administering two dozes of anti-measles vaccine can reduce disease in society. The ministry for public health is determined to launch nationwide campaign in each three years to immunize society against measles.

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