
Kabul-Jalalabad Road Repaired

Thursday, July 22, 2021
Kabul (BNA) Kabul-Jalalabad highway was repaired and cleaned.
The Ministry of Public Works says that their service personnel, with their hand tools, along with repairing trains and sections of roads, condensed water and removed parts of the Kabul-Jalalabad highway.
Kabul-Jalalabad highway is one of the busiest highways in Afghanistan.
This highway is a witness to the movement of thousands of passengers and caravans.
The Ministry of Public Works says in a press release that the repair of the Kabul-Jalalabad highway will be an achievement before the cold weather arrives.
Due to the breakdown of parts of the road and the presence of pebbles and vehicles on the road, this highway was blocked during the traffic season.
T. Yarzada

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