
The Exchange Rate of Afghan Currency Against Foreign Currencies

Monday, February 17, 2014
Kabul (BNA) Based on Najibullah Akhtari’ head of currency exchanged market in Kabul, (Saraye Shahzada) report the exchange rate of Afghani as a follow:
                                            Buying                                        selling
One Dollar                          57/10 afgs                                  57/15afgs
One Pound sterling             9510afgs                                    95/20 afgs
One Euro                            78afgs                                        78/10 afgs
One Emirate’s Dirham       15/50 afgs                                   15/55 afgs
One Saudi Riyal                 15/15 afgs                                     15/20 afgs
One Thousand Indian Rupees 920 afgs                                    930 afgs
One Thousand Pakistani Rupees 535 afgs                                536afgs
One Thousand Iranian Riyals   19/30 afgs                             19/35 afgs

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