
13 Afghan Teachers Left For Sweden To Defend Their Thesis

Sunday, April 14, 2013
Kabul (BNA) A delegation of 13 teachers including four females pursuing their Master Degree studies under Swedish Committee for Afghanistan’s Teachers Educators Master Program (TEMP) left for Sweden on an academic trip in order to defend their Master Degree thesis at Karlstad University, on 12th of April.
Sweden visiting delegation is the first intake of SCA’s TEMP project, which started their first degree course back in 2012, and completed 60 ECTS successfully, while the second intake with 20 male and 8 female students, will visit Sweden in October of this year to defend their thesis.
TEMP delegation led by two mentors hails from different provinces including Helmand, Maidan Wardak, Urozgan, Parwan, Nangarhar, Kabul, Ghazni, Paktia, Nuristan, Samangan, Logar and Khost provinces will return back Afghanistan on April 27.
Financed by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and facilitated by the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan, TEMP is a Master level study program for teacher educators in education and didactics provided by Karlstad University of Sweden. It takes place in Kabul at the national academy of teacher education department, ministry of education.
This programme aims to capacitate a cadre of teacher educators to design, implement and evaluate relevant and adequate teacher training programs, which consider the social, cultural and economic context of Afghanistan.
The entire duration of TEMP project is April 2011 to December 2014; it has 3 intakes for the master program with maximum 30 participants in each intake. And they are offered a MA Program of either 60 or 120 ECTS (credit points).
Similarly 50 applicants including 10 female teachers passed TEMP’s third intake entry test for preparatory phase III, held on January 1st 2013, at National Academy of teacher education department, ministry of education.
The preparatory phase of TEMP –III started on February 10th will continue till the end of June this year. During this period they are attending English classes in order to improve their linguistic skills and to get prepare for International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test. Those who will pass IELTS test with over all band score of 5 will be admitted to the 3rd phase (TEMP –III) of this Internationally Recognized Master Degree Program.
T. Rateb

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