
Nine Armed Oppositions Kill

Wednesday November 6, 2013
Kabul (BNA) In two separate clashes nine armed oppositions killed and eight others wounded in Nuristan province the night before last and yesterday morning.
The first clash occurred late last night when a group of armed oppositions attacked on a security checkpoint in Kamdish border district with Pakistan.
A police official in Kamdish told BNA, 5 insurgents were killed and four others wounded in the clash.
Second clash occurred when a group of armed oppositions attacked on Afghan security forces convey in Paroon city center of Nuristan province yesterday morning.
Deputy police chief of Nuristan says, four insurgents were killed and four others wounded in this clash.
He said a vehicle, three motorcycles and some military equipment seized by security forces at the end of the clash.
According to local officials of Nuristan, there were no casualties among security forces.

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