
DAB, Breshna Sign MoU on ‘Public Credit Registry’

Monday, October 08, 2018

Kabul (BNA) Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) governor Khalilullah Seddiq and Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) CEO Eng. Amanullah Ghalib signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the use of Public Credit Registry system aimed at providing regular credit reports, a statement from DABS said on Sunday.
DAB would provide electronic access services to credit information of the 24-hour public credit registration system and network interruptions, the use of credit reports for DABS, distribution of free credit reports for DABS clients And DABS clients can report their credit reports (without their rating) once a year free of charge from the DAB’s Public Credit Register Office in accordance with the procedures.  As per the provisions of the MoU, DAB has a duty to provide free practical training programs for the effective use of the public credit registration system and, upon request, to provide  educational services to the provinces , to regulate the provision of durable services to solve the technical problems of  DABS related companies to the system, by visiting the Public Credit registry office, mail, telephone and, if necessary, the DABS company, providing technical and corrective solutions, creating the user to the designated employees of DABS in the center and provinces.
According to this agreement, Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) can authorize credit reports to other individuals, people, and DABS cannot provide information on health, ideological, political, personal, religious, and current & savings accounts of the customer to register in the credit registration system.  DABS also prevent fraudulent, incorrect, and low-quality information from being included in the database and confines the privacy and confidentiality of Public Credit.
It is to be noted that, the Public Credit Registry System for the first time in the country has been established by Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB), and this system collects credit data from the relevant departments, providing them with regular reports in the form of regular credit reports to the relevant agencies.  By establishing this system and applying it at Breshna Company, on one hand, transparency will be brought in this company, and on the other hand the company’s credit to the national and international levels will be further increased.

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