
Youth Should Be Trained In Archeology, Dr. Sadat

Monday December 26, 2016

Kabul (BNA) Acting Minister of Information and Culture and Deputy to the Youth Affairs, Dr. Kamal Sadat in a gathering of the archeology directorate held under a decade achievements of Afghanistan archeology asked the youth for getting trained in archeology, BNA reported the other day.
The acting minister said many of the country’s ancient relics have been looted and the people and the world countries would cooperate with Afghanistan in returning the relics, said the agency. “The biggest problem, the country’s archeology faced was lack of profession cadres in the field of archeology, so there is a need for the youth to get trained in this respect,” said the deputy youth minister, as quoted by the agency. Head of archeology, Abdul Qadeer Timuri enumerated many of his office achievements among them excavation of eight shrines in the area of Miss Ainak, transfer of 2392 ancient relics to the national museum, construction of a provincial museum in Miss Ainak site and sending archeology teams to the provinces of the country. National museum director, Mohammad Faheem also spoke at the meeting complaining about lack of standard national museum building in the country, according to the agency. According to another report, Dr. Kamal Sadat met with the leading body of Afghanistan youth music union said the youth, through the country’s noble national music, should be encouraged to refrain joining war and embrace peace, the BNA reported.  Praising the work of the union, Dr. Kamal Sadat noted that the ministry of information and culture was the main service provider of the youth and it will make effort to maintain and support the noble Afghan cultures, particularly the noble culture of music.

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