
Distance Between Arg, People To Be Removed: Dustom

Wednesday October 15, 2014
Kabul (BNA) The First Vice President, General Abdul Rashid Dustom in meeting with a delegation of religious scholars, elders and notables from Kunduz, Jowzjan, Faryab, Badghis, Herat and Helmand provinces the other day said that the new government would remove the distance between Arg and the people.
Besides exchanging views on general situation in the country, the Vice President also congratulated members of the delegation over formation of the National Unity Government (NUG), saying the participation of the people in elections had changed the process into national celebration. The First Vice President also said that the new government would spare no efforts to act upon its promises given to the nation, allowing the sons of the land to go to schools and universities free of security concerns.
He also stated that the new government is committed to eliminate the corruption menace and reopening the Kabul Bank case is an example in this field. The Vice President also stated that the role of women in the new government will be balanced. Describing the personnel of Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) as the honest sons of the land and said they have the capacity to defeat the enemies. He also pointed out the NUG would pave the way for qualitative education to youth of the country. Speaking at the meeting, some of the elders besides expressing support to the new government demanded the government to ensure durable peace and stability in the country. According to another report, acting minister for public health Dr. Suraya Dalil and Al-Hajj Sayed Mansoor Nadiri the leader of Ismaeli sect called upon the First Vice President and wished him success.

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