
Armed Insurgents Killed in Provinces

Friday, February 03, 2012

Kabul (BNA) the national police forces in several operations in provinces of the country killed three armed insurgents and detained one other.  According to interior ministry press office, in 24 last hour, the national police forces conducted combined operations by national army, national security and coalition forces in the outskirts of Helmand, Zabul, Khost, Farah and Nangarhar provinces in which, three armed insurgents were killed and one other has been captured.  According to the source, in these operations, quantity of  light and heavy arms consist of 2 Kalashnikovs, 500 mines, 250 kg of explosive materials and two  vehicles were seized by these forces.  Meanwhile, the national police personnel of Bamyan province seized quantity of heavy ammunition from outskirts of Dasht Safeed village, Kohmard district of that province and consist of 7 rockets, 7 detonators and 18 mortar mines which were placed in a hideout.

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