
Kabul Residents Protest Beheading Civilians In Zabul, Call For Justice

Saturday November 14, 2015

Kabul (BNA) Thousands of Kabul residents including women staged protest in Kabul on Wednesday to condemn the barbaric beheading of seven civilians including two women and a child by terrorists in Zabul.
Carrying the seven coffins from Dasht-e-Barchi to the doors of Arg , the protestors consisted from all walks of life and ages chanting slogans “Death to Taliban, Death to Daesh” demanded the government to bring to justice all those behind the heinous crime. Denouncing the brutal act of beheading of civilians, a lawmaker from Zabul province Abdul Rahim Ayubi in talks with BNA said that the enemies by committing the crime were attempting to create sectarian violence in the country but the Afghans with national unity and civilized way have foiled the vicious designs. A protestor, Mohammad Abas of Ghazni province termed both Taliban and Daesh groups as foreign sponsored project to destroy Afghanistan and kill its people including men, women and children indiscriminately. Samar Gul of Nangarhar province in talks with BNA said that Daesh previously had committed variety of crimes against people in Nangarhar and even they killed an innocent child in front of his parents in Achin district, warning the terrorist group would commit more crimes against humanity if their activities go unchecked. The demonstrators also warned in a resolution if their demand for ensuring justice ignored them would hold similar rally. Meantime, First Vice-President, General Abdul Rashid Dostum in a statement released by his office here the other day condemned the killing and beheading seven civilians including a nine-year old girl by terrorists in its strongest term.
The statement released here said that beheading people is against the teaching of Islam, against humanity and the coward act is against international norms. Holding massive demonstration in Kabul which attended by people from all walks of life demonstrated the national unity of the people Afghanistan, the statement asserted. The statement noted that the nation of Afghanistan including Pashtun, Tajik, Uzbek, Hazara, Turkmen, Arab, Aymaq, Balouch, Pashae, Nuristani, Kyrgyz, Kyzylbash, Gojar, Barahawi and others by their wide participation in the peaceful demonstration depicted their unity against enemies in the country. Fighting terrorism requires international community’s support to stand alongside the people of Afghanistan, the vice president stressed in the statement.

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