
NSC Discusses Border Security With Tajik Authorities

Monday, July 30, 2012
Kabul (BNA) The National Security Council chaired by President Karzai, heard a report by Interior Minister Besmellah Mohammadi and Rehmatullah Nabeel Director General of National Security Department on their visit to Tajikistan and meeting with Imam Rehman Ali president of Tajikistan. 
They said that recent insecurity in some parts of Badakhshan-Tajikistan and the involvement of some irresponsible groups in the border areas, were the agenda of their talks with the higher authorities of Tajikistan. 
The National Security Council after hearing the report, called security of the brother country Tajikistan and stability on the two countries borders as very important and issued instructions to the security forces of the country not to refrain from any efforts towards elimination of destructive groups on the border between Afghanistan and Tajikistan who are resorting to smuggling and insecurity therein. 
The council also instructed the Ministry of Finance to prevent import of cigarettes. It was said at this meeting that les taxes on cigarette imports at the custom houses has caused its massive imports into the country that not only destroys the health of the countrymen but it results in its smuggling to other countries as well. 
The council decided that the Ministry of Finance undertakes immediate measures on raising tax on cigarette imports. 
General Shir Mohammad Chief of Staffs of National Army presented his report on the rocket barrage and artillery attacks of Pakistan on the territories of Afghanistan and by specifying of its localities said that for the past one year firing of heavy arms from that side of the Durand Line is continued on the homes and farm lands in our territories that have brought about human and material losses and displacement of families in the areas. 
In another part of the meeting, the chairman and members of the independent elections commission came to the meeting and the issue for preparedness for registration of the voters were taken under discussions. 
Fazel Ahmad Manawi chairman of the commission explained the detailed plan of readiness for registration of voters. It was decided at the meeting that discussions and the government measures for creation of facilities for holding elections will be discussed in the future meetings of the council.

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