WFP: War in Ukraine Exacerbate Hunger Crisis in Afghanistan

KABUL (BNA) The World Food Programme says the ongoing war in Ukraine is fueling food prices and exacerbating the hunger crisis in Afghanistan.

The Organization tweeted that the Ukraine war, in addition to rising food prices, has exacerbated the migration crisis in Europe and prompted international donors to focus on addressing the situation of Ukrainian migrants in Europe.

According to the World Food Programme (WFP), more attention to the Ukraine crisis could divert the flow of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.

The Organization quoting that has been assisted 12 million people in Afghanistan with food this year, But its budget and financial resources are running out for more aid.

World food prices, oil and gas have risen sharply since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The United Nations says rising global food prices are having a greater impact on the situation of poor countries such as Afghanistan, reducing access to food and raw materials.

Bakhar News Agency

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