
UNICEF Chief Assures More Collaboration with Health Centers in Herat Province


KABUL (BNA): Mawlawi Noor Ahmad Islam Jar, the governor of Herat, in a meeting with Sediq Ibrahim, Chief of  UNICEF office, requested increased cooperation from this organization in equipping health centers and schools in the province.

According to BNA report, in the meeting, Sediq Ibrahim, Chief of the UNICEF office, provided information about the activities and programs of this organization, particularly regarding the payment of salaries to health workers in 113 centers under its coverage in that province.

He added that, in addition to paying the doctors’ salaries, medicines and necessary supplies for 170 health centers in this province have also been provided by this organization.

The governor of Herat, in his speech, while appreciating the recent activities of the UNICEF office in that province, emphasized the need for further cooperation from this organization in various areas, including the provision of medical centers and schools, especially in remote and deprived areas of this province.

At the end of the meeting, the Chief of the UNICEF office thanked the Herat provincial officials for their cooperation with this organization and assured them of their comprehensive efforts to solve problems and address the mentioned demands.


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