
IEC Announces Initial Results of Parliamentary Election for Kabul & Kochi

Tuesday January 15, 2019

Kabul (BNA) Independent Election Commission (IEC) has announced the primary results of Parliamentary polls for Kabul and Kochi constituency late on Monday.
Abdul Badi Sayed chief of IEC during a press conference said, the results are preliminary and could be changed.
The primary candidate winners for Kabul parliamentary election are as following:
Haji Ajmal Rahmani, Qayoum Khairkhwah, Fida Mohamad Ulfat Saleh, Javid Jaihoon, Khan Aqa Rezayee, Ramazan Bashardost, Amir Gul Shaheen, Ghulam Hussain Naseri, Mullah Mohammad Khan Ahmadi, Allah Gul Mujahid, Syed Mohammad Mohammadi, Amanullah Gozar, Haji Khan Mohammad Wardak, Qazi Mir Afghan Safi, Ajmal Gulab, Ahmad Zia Azimi Shinozada, Tawfiq Wahdat, Obaidullah Kalimzai Wardak, Hafizullah Jalili, Farhad Sediqi, Anwar Khan Oryakhail, Haji Zergai Habibi, Habib Ur Rehman Sayaf, Najibullah Nasir, Fatima Nazari, Mursal Nabizada, Shinkai Karo Khail, Robina Jalali, Mariam Sama, Fawzia Nasiryar Guldarayi, Salima Nikbin, Zahra Nawruzi and Nazifa Zaki.
Also, the IEC has announced the initial result of parliamentary election for Kochi constituency as following:
Shah Wazir Tarakhel, Habiburrahman Afghan, Mirwais Hussainkhel, Nangyal Lawang, Haji Parviz Arabzada, Alhaj Haidar Jan Naeemzai, Rasoul Khan Kochai, Hameed Ahmadzai, Maryam Sulaimankhel and Farzana Kochai.
The IEC said that the results were not final and changes were possible in final results.

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