
Blind World Day Or The White Stick Day

Wednesday October 14, 2015

Kabul (BNA) 15th of October is the blinds’ world day and white stick day which was approved in 1964 to attach importance to the intellectual people, inviting attention to their problems and creation of sound environment for beneficiaries of white stick.
As a symbol of blinds, the white stick was, recognized since the WWI. Although use of stick has been common since the past centuries by people specially the blinds but in each country there are separate laws, regulations, symbols for use of stick. But since the white color can be recognized by everybody, so in order to prevent the dangers threating the blinds, this color was approved for the blind stick. In 1921, a British photographer called James beg who had lost his sights due to an incident, initiated use of white stick which was visible to everybody, in order to be safe from the dangers of vehicles moving on the roads. Subsequently two prominent American researchers one a mathematician called Dr Nawelpry and a lawyer Dr Jaquepston Broke managed to approve the law of white stick on the 15th day of Oct and called this day as the world blinds day.
All civil social rights of a blind as a full member of a civilized society have been inserted, acknowledged in this law, for example:
1. The blinds are allowed to benefit all usual welfare possibilities in the society. They are allowed to use sans restriction sidewalks, high ways, and public means of transportation including airplanes, rail, bus, cars, ships, hotel, public places, religious and entertainment centers.
2. The drivers of transportation means are obliged to take care of blinds with white stick during their movement on roads.
3. The government sore is obliged to encourage blinds to partnership in government affairs and employee them.
4. The government authorities should every year celebrate 15th of oct as the blinds day and law of white stick, properly and ask the people to have reasonable approach with blinds and take sincere and effective steps in this connection.
Taking into account this law, what would be the condition of enlighten minds and blinds in a country like Afghanistan who have spent long times in devastating wars and bloody conflicts and naturally facing many challenges. Beside blinds due to wars and other natural disasters, there are natural blind and those who have lost sight seeing due to lack of ophthalmologist and lack of high quality medicine. It is clear that there are many shortages on the rights of blinds in Afghanistan and requires attention of relevant authorities. So on Oct 15th, the officials concerned should take practical steps on ensuring blinds rights instead of holding glorious functions and ceremonies. Lailuma Noori

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