
ANSF Able To Defend Their Homeland Independently

Wednesday January 21, 2015
Kabul (BNA)  After more than a decade of war against terrorism by the international forces besides Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), the NATO troops’ military mission concluded at the end of 2014, as the rest 13,000 of the US and NATO forces will not be involved in combat missions anymore but to train, advice, equip and financially support the ANSF.
Fortunately, during the last 13 years, in cooperation with foreign forces, the ANSF ability enhanced qualitatively and quantitatively, and now they can defend the country independently.
Last year, the ANSF undertook most of the operations’ responsibility and could play their role well in major cases, which proved the efforts made on them have not gone in vain.
Now, the ANSF need people’s support and trust in ensuring security in the country, as they can either morally or in reporting the suspicious activities cooperate with them. If the people arise against terrorism and don’t let any terrorists to operate, certainly, the Taliban and other terrorist groups cannot reach their goals easily.
So, the National Unity Government (NUG) in cooperation with international community should pay heed on equipping the ANSF with sophisticated weapons so they are able to easily defeat the enemies in the battlefields. Likewise, the NUG leaders should financially help those families lost their dearest ones or those injured in battlegrounds and appreciate their dedications in protection of the country. Last week, to laud the ANSF, some lawmakers in the lower house of the parliament were dressed up with military clothing and announced their support from them, as well as around 5000 Ulama gathered in Loya Jirga Tent and praised the achievements of the ANSF during the past 13 years. Recently, the ANSF handed over all security responsibility in the country and by each passing day they are becoming stronger than before.  Lailuma Noori

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