
Keeping Silence Towards Terrorists Is Enmity With Islam, President Karzai

Sunday, September 09, 2012
Kabul (BNA) The members of the nation-wide council of Afghanistan in their meeting with President Hamid Karzai strongly condemned beheading of 17 countrymen in Helmand and suicide attacks and called these actions against the Islamic Sharia.
The statement of the council was read out by Mawlawi Ghulam Rabbani Rehmani.
At the statement, the Ulema council of Afghanistan strongly condemned the attack on the funeral ceremony in Dar Baba district of Nangarhar that led to the martyrdom and wounding of tens of our countrymen and called it against all Islamic and human norms and wished its perpetrators painful punishment and they asked the government to verify its perpetrators and prevent such attacks.
The statement of the council emphasized on the national unity and brotherly life of all tribes of the country and added that it requires that all the people of the country leave all types of tribal, racial, linguistics, religious, Tanzimi discriminations and stand in defense of territorial integrity and national sovereignty against the domestic and foreign enemies as brothers.
The ulema council while expressing concern over the growing insecurity in the country and foreign interventions asks the US and her allies to honestly realize their commitments and exert all cooperation for consolidation of peace and stability in the country. 
The statement called the punishment of perpetrators of torching of Holy Kuran in Bagram inadequate and asks the US government to seriously review its decisions and specify the punishment to the perpetrators as per their crimes.
The statement once again voices its concern over the continued rocket attacks by Pakistan on the Kunar province regions that led to the martyrdom of a number of innocent countrymen and displacement of thousands of families from their homes and asks the authorities of the Afghan government to undertake measures for stopping the rocket attacks by using all possible means.
President Karzai hearing the statement of the council as very comprehensive and to the interest of the Afghan nation and said that you touched points that are voiced by every sons of this nation.
What a secret hand that the suicide bombers explode himself at the funeral of a Muslim and kills 25 youths. He added that does the suicide bomber who explode himself at the Muslims mosque is a Muslim? I say never. They are the enemies of the Muslims but the world religious leaders are silent in this respect. 
He stressed that in no time Islam confronted such a danger as today as a person in the name of Islam comes and kills innocent people. The massacre not only disrepute Islam, but this religion would be harmed further.
In case those carrying these acts are clear enmity with Islam then our ulema should propagate against them in the mosques and condemn their illegal acts, for keeping silence in Islam is cruelty with it. 
Our greatest enemy is silence so I ask you ulema to propagate the Islam religion among the people. In respect to the killing of foreign troops by using Afghan military uniforms he said that this is the work of the Afghan military personnel but is organized from outside the country to make the foreign trainers desperate and this way deprive us of a strong national army. 
He stressed to the religious ulema that it is your duty to propagate for a strong Afghanistan from the mosque and defend the position of your national army and police.
Nematullah Shahrani advisor minister, Fazel Hai Muslimyar chairman of Senate, Mawlawi Qayamudeem Kashaf chairman of the national-wide ulema council, Mohammad Ishaq Alko attorney general and Hajji Deen Mohammad acting minister of frontier and tribal affairs were also present at the meeting.

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