
CE Abdullah Meets British Prince

Saturday, June 09, 2018

Kabul (BNA) Chief Executive Dr. Abdullah Abdullah during his stay to Britain has met with the UK’s Crown Prince, his office reported in a statement, the other day.
During the meeting, the Crown Prince welcomed the country’s chief executive and wished success and tranquility for the people of Afghanistan, the statement said.
The country’s CE also thanked the British’s Crown Prince, government and people for long time cooperation with the people of Afghanistan, particularly within the Firuzkoh Framework, after presenting a clear picture from Afghanistan’s situation and spoke about the peace landscape and reaching stability in the country.  Dr. Abdullah also asked the British Crown Prince for cooperation in the field of using Kabul City module in the urban development and supplying urban services and thanked for displaying the works and achievements of Firuzkoh in the summer show of Bakinghum Palace.
The British Crown Prince assured of his country’s led entities’ continued cooperation in Afghanistan thanked the country’s CE for his support to the Firuzkoh’s activities and hoped cooperation could continue between the two countries further than ever.

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