
Pamir ‘14’ Ongoing Military Operation Kills, Wound 93 Insurgents

Wednesday October 4, 2017
Kabul (BNA) At least 52 armed oppositions including their three commanders were killed and 41 others were wounded during Pamir ‘14’ military operation in northern Kunduz province.
Col. Abdul Hamid Hamidi police chief of Kunduz told BNA reporter, the mentioned military operation conducted by support of Afghan air forces to annihilate Taliban militants and ensure peace and stability in different parts of Imam Sahid district of the province.
Several villages have been clean-up from being of armed rebels during the operations as well, Hamidi added.
It is mentionable that, there are zero casualties on the parts of civilians and Afghan security personnel.
The operation will be continued until the district completely clear from existence of anti-government militias, Hamidi concluded.

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