

Sunday, October 12, 2014
Kabul (BNA) The recent execution of six criminals indicates that Afghanistan is committed to the enforcement of laws and violation to the other rights is not affordable.  
BNA political analyst commenting on the issue writes, the execution of 5 criminals who were sentenced to death by reliable court could be a proof of that Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is committed the enforcement of the laws of the country and no one could be safe if he/she commits a crime.
Meanwhile,  the execution of these criminals that welcomed by the Afghan people made it clear that the Afghan government is accountable to the people and considers itself protect the social and civil rights of Afghan citizens.
Regrettably, this legal act, raised the criticism of some international organizations that pretend to be the patrons of human rights, but in reality in case of hanging the most notorious criminals according to the verdict of a court, they are supporting the criminals who had committed unforgiveable crimes as mentioned above.  The Afghan people welcoming the execution of the criminals and maintained that such action will play a great role in reducing criminal acts against the dignity and honor of the people and safe community.
The Islamic republic of Afghanistan will further endeavor to ensure justice and support the poor and suppressed people via its judicial and justice organs. As Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai the president of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan while visiting a number of prisoners in Pul-I – Charkhi jail while promised them of reviewing their cases added that he wanted justice and already made the foundation of it and would try his best to safe and protect the rights of every citizen of the country.  The president emphasized that he could not bear the killing of arm troops and considers himself responsible for protecting their lives.   
It is a clear message to criminals who extorting to various crimes take the lives of innocent people of the country and now living behind the bars of the prisons should not expect amnesty but should wait for what the law verdicts against them.  No one can flee the law because from now on only, the law rules the country and the law knows no exception.

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