
President Ghani Receives Credentials of new Chinese Ambassador to Kabul

Sunday, November 17, 2019
Kabul (BNA) President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani received credentials of Wang Yu, as new ambassador of People’s Republic of China to Kabul during a ceremony at the presidential palace, a statement said yesterday.
Welcoming the new Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan, President Ghani hoped his new mission further strengthened the bilateral ties between the two countries. The president said Afghanistan was looking forward to enhancing economic, political and cultural ties with China, the statement from the presidential press office told The Kabul Times daily.
Hinting to importance of bilateral ties, President Ghani said Afghanistan and China was having 50 years of friendly relations and the bilateral ties should be further boosted, the statement quoted him as saying.
Calling China as one of the economic giants, President Ghani said China’s contribution would be vital for regional development, adding Afghanistan was interested to be part of the cooperation.
Newly appointed Chinse ambassador assured of his full cooperation for strengthening of the bilateral ties between the two countries, the statement added.

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