
President Karzai Condemns Terrorist Attack In Kandahar

Monday, December 19, 2011
Kabul (BNA) President Hamid Karzai has strongly condemned the terrorist attack in Kandahar in which the cultural advisor of frontier and tribal affairs ministry Abdul Baqi Raghbat was martyred. 
The message to this end adds that the enemies of the people of Afghanistan Monday night had carried a terrorist attack in the Shekarpour area of Kandahar city targeting Abdul Baqi Raghbat and martyred him. 
President Karzai said that Shaheed Abdul Baqi Raghbat as a cultural personality and patriot has served his people in different areas and since the enemies could not afford his services, they martyred him by a terrorist attack on him. 
The president adds that martyrdom of Abdul Baqi Raghbat if part of the serial killings of influential and tribal elders that is taking place as plot of enemies of the people of Afghanistan that is being continued for some time. 
Saddened over late Abdul Baqi’s martyrdom, the president conveys his deep sympathies to the people of Kandahar and his bereaved family and wish peace for his soul.

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