
Over 140 Anti-Government Rebels Killed Across The Country

Wednesday October 19, 2016

Kabul (BNA) About 145 Anti-government militants were killed during joint military operations conducted by Afghan National Security Forces throughout the country within the last 24 hours.
Ministry of National Defense press office reported BNA, the military operations were launched with support of Afghan Air and Artillery forces to debilitate and annihilate Taliban militants and protect the lives and properties of local people in insecure areas of Nangarhar, Ghazni, Paktia, Kandahar, Urozgan, Ghor, Badghis, Herat, Farah, Faryab, Baghlan and Helmand provinces.
Three cars, 5 motorcycles, some heavy and light weapons, ammunitions and war equipment have been discovered and seized during the operations by Afghan forces, the source added.
According to another report, unfortunately 10 Afghan National Army soldiers were martyred during military operations carried out by Afghan security forces against enemies of the country.

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