
Using Terrorism As Instrument In Politics Serves No Country: President Karzai

Saturday, September 13, 2014
Kabul (BNA) President Hamid Karzai after attending the 14th summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Tajikistan capital Dushanbe returned home yesterday. 
According to presidential press office to BNA, president Karzai in his address delivered at the summit hosted by Tajikistan president, said that Afghanistan is ready to cooperate with SCO and fighting terrorism in regional level requires collective efforts. With regard to fighting terrorism and challenge ahead, president Karzai said, “Our region is facing enormous challenges, above all terrorism which has spearheaded in the region and poses serious security threat for the region.” The president pointed out that terrorists’ sanctuaries are outside Afghanistan borders but this country is still the ground of war against terror over the past decade. “Those who use terrorism and extremism as instrument in politics should realize that such attempts would never lead to viable peace and security,” president Karzai went on to say. President Karzai also noted that Afghanistan is committed to peace and stability in the SCO region, saying Afghanistan wants trade, investment and promoting economic cooperation in the SCO region. Afghanistan wants to integrate into economic region, the president added, saying Afghanistan believes that promoting regional cooperation and economic integration are main pillars of durable peace, security and economic prosperity in the region.      Achieving peace and security in Afghanistan is the foundation of domestic and foreign policy of Afghan government, the president said, adding achieving peace in Afghanistan needs the supports of neighboring states particularly Pakistan. Peace in Afghanistan would benefit the whole region, president Karzai said, adding Afghan government wants the neighboring states and international friends to help in peace process seriously.  Afghans by vast participation in the election process demonstrated their support to democracy and peaceful power transition, president Karzai said, adding Afghans are hopeful to have the election results soon and the oath taking ceremony of the new president. The next summit of SCO would be held in Russia in 2015.

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