
NSD: Weapons, Ammunitions Smugglers Detained

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Taleqan (BNA) A person accused of selling and buying of weapons and ammunitions had been arrested by National Security Directorate (NSD) personnel in northern Takhar province.
Khalil Aseer in-charge of police in security command of Takhar said BNA, Samiullah resident of Dorqad district of the province, while transferring two Kalashnikovs, two magazines and 500 Kalashnikovs’ bullets was arrested in a checkpoint searching in Pul Kokcha area, Khawaja Ghar district of Takhar province.
The arrested person confessed to his crime said, I wanted to transfer the weapons and ammunitions to Mawlavi Nasrullah the shadow district governor of Taliban for Dorqad district of the province.

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